Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here is the artwork

Hey there all

8 of you now, wow I'm nearly big enough to get AdSense on here.

Firstly a rant; 'cos I wanna:

Have any of you encountered these power bracelets that are designed to centralise your energy and promote well being and balance throughout your body, they also serve to help you stabilise your vibrations and other such energies.

Well, if you haven't seen 'em then you must live in an awesome cave 'cos yeah they're everywhere and are apparently so amazing that you can expect to pay up to R450.00 for one.
 I hear that they also protect you from the harmful electromagnetic radiation that is now abundant in the world we live in today.They are also making some asshole a whole lot of money and yes, you asshole, I mean you.
Kudos though for managing to make something that is tantamount to an elastic band the most important gimmick of the last 2 years 'cos admittedly, foil cone hats would probably not be fashionable for at least another 5 years or so.
Once again kudos to you.
 Also to those of you that own one, I want you to listen closely, this is very important. In fact, make sure no one is around, because this will most likely help you a lot more than your power bracelet do-hickey:
I want you to take out R450 and a lighter, now take off your clothes and put the R450 on something non-flammable (I bet you know where this is going).Ok now make loud gorrilla noises while setting the money on fire, but please be careful; you can burn your house down so maybe some adult supervision is required.
Now, after the money has completely burnt away, I want you to walk outside and tell the first beggar you meet that you just burnt 450 bucks while performing the above mentioned procedure.
A startling realization may suddenly occur to you, either before or after you tell the beggar what you did.

And in point form:

  • You'll be bleeding out of your face, while the beggar laughs at you.
  • You can tell the beggar you've done it twice,  because you already did that by buying a power bracelet; you'll get hit again so do so at own risk.
  • OR you'll realise that you're too fucking embarrassed to tell a beggar that you just burnt money and hopefully you'll also realise that you actually had more fun acting like an ass while literally burning money than you have ever had with that silly bracelet.
Okay, that's my rant. I do apologise if I offended you, and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe your bracelet is helping you with your burgeoning issue with flatulence.
 All I'm trying to say here is, use your head and think for yourself. If you disagree with me, thats great, but then again I havent wasted my money on a holographic rubber band in the hopes that ill lean to the left no longer.
 I admit, I do spend money on toys, and maybe I'm at fault there too, but at least I know my toys wont improve my balance and that they'll greatly endanger my sex life, but hey who wants to sleep with a girl that doesn't enjoy toys right? 

Okay, so I hope that was fun, it was for me.

I also wanted to show you guys a sample of the new artwork, below you'll see a basic work in progress and I don't want to reveal too much before the final is out.

Please note this is a preview for work that is in progress and is intended for publishing any copyright infringement will have you met with their lawyers.

The client is satan btw and he has the best lawyers, just saying.

The offending bracelets I have removed the branding to avoid lawsuits :

Hey guys be excellent to each other and party on

Kind Regards
Paul Loubser

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